Expedia.com is a popular website in the Recreation/Travel category. As per our analysis, we believe that Expedia.com is a reliable website and we trust the legitimacy of the website. Please note that this does not constitute an endorsement of their business, and we are not liable for any bad experience you may personally experience with them.
Why We Think Expedia.com Is Legit
To study if Expedia.com is a legit business or not, we looked at the authority rating granted to them by various third party services like Moz and Majestic:
- Expedia.com has a Moz Domain Authority of 90, and a Majestic Trust Factor of 57
- There are over 80937 backlinks pointed at various pages on Expedia.com
- Expedia.com has been shared over 337813 times on Facebook.com
Here is a more detailed analysis of our inspection.
Expedia.com Website Authority
Domain authority is a metric used by various website analysis tools like Moz, Ahrefs, and Majestic to measure the “authority” level of a website. It is typically a score between 0 to 100 – new, and unreliable websites typically have low scores while large, established websites have a high score, of more than 50.
Here is how Expedia.com’s numbers stack up:
Moz Domain Authority: 90
Moz Page Authority: 69
MozRank: 9
Majestic Trust Flow: 57
Majestic also ranks the trust factor of Expedia.com across different categories. Here is how they rank this website:
TOPIC | Topical Trust Flow |
Recreation/Travel | 56 |
Reference/Maps | 35 |
Regional/North America | 26 |
All these numbers indicate a strong possibility for Expedia.com to be a legitimate and reliable business.
Expedia.com Social Authority
Social authority is a measure how often websites get shared on social media platforms. Trustworthy websites typically shared more often than low-trust and scammy websites. However, it is important to note that this metric can be easily manipulated.
Here are some social authority metrics for Expedia.com
Number of Facebook Shares: 337813
Number of Pins on Pinterest: 6
Expedia.com Backlink Profile
Backlinks refer to hyperlinks pointed from one website or webpage to another. Just like citation in academic journals, more backlinks generally mean that the website being linked to is legit and more authoritative. Again, backlinks can be manipulated and thus do not give you the complete picture.
However, generally speaking, scammers seldom rely on backlink profile to establish credibility since it is a long-drawn process. There are easier ways to scam.
Here is a general overview of Expedia.com’s backlink profile.
Backlinks to Expedia.com according to Moz: 80937
Backlinks to Expedia.com according to Majestic: 5823720
Unique domains pointing to Expedia.com (Majestic): 42617
Number of times Expedia.com was linked by Educational websites: 3799
Number of times Expedia.com was linked by Government websites: 6600
Is Expedia.com safe?
It would be improper for us to vouch for a third-party website. However, as you can see from the website authority, social authority, and backlink profile sections above, Expedia.com enjoys a healthy profile. As such, we believe Expedia.com to be a legitimate, reliable and trustworthy website.
Anand Srinivasan is the founder of CWVIQ, and has been in the internet media space for over 15 years. He has previously served as the AVP of Products and Head of Business at popular media portals. He has worked with several SaaS and enterprise businesses as an external consultant for their SEO marketing campaigns.