Why Is Rottentomatoes.Com Slow? Here Are The Reasons

Rottentomatoes.Com is a popular website in the Arts/Movies category. According to the latest CWVIQ speed report, Rottentomatoes.Com took 0.04 seconds to load the page. This is the time it takes from the moment you enter the URL on your browser bar to the time the page loads completely.

A slow load time could be due to a lot of things – poor network connectivity at your end, an unreliable hosting server, or a poorly optimized webpage.

First off, let’s look at a breakup of the loading time.

DNS Lookup Time

(Time taken to lookup the IP address of the server)

22.71 ms
TCP Connection

(Time taken to establish a connection between your server and the server where Rottentomatoes.Com is hosted)

6.29 ms
SSL Handshake

(Time taken to verify server credentials by comparing public key with its digital signature)

0.04 ms
Server Processing

(Time it takes for the website’s server to process your request)

9.78 ms
Content Transfer

(Time it takes for the requested data to be transmitted to your server)

0.06 ms
TOTAL TIME 0.04 seconds

A high value for DNS lookup or TCP connection could be because of local settings, or internet connection.While a high server processing time or content transfer time could indicate issues with the website or its server.

We also studied the Rottentomatoes.Com Lighthouse report to look at the site’s performance. Here is what we found.

Speed Index – Time for the page content to be visibly populated
Server response time 0 ms
First Meaningful Paint – Time for the viewable content to be rendered to the user

How To Make Rottentomatoes.Com faster

Here are the top 0 ways to make Rottentomatoes.Com faster.

In addition to these reasons, here are other ways to make Rottentomatoes.Com faster.

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